Monday, August 25, 2014

Diatribe Against Kitchens of Today

There are three things I hate about current design trends in kitchens:  1)  Stainless steel appliances.  Why?  Because they remind me of all the crappy restaurant jobs I have held.  Why would I want to have something that hearkens back to an industrial setting in my home.  During college and in lean periods during my "career",  I am loathe to admit I have held part time waitressing jobs.  The restaurant business-- jeez what an industry completely devoid of labor regulations.  No, I don't want anything in my home that reminds me of the face of a walk-in cooler.  A walk in cooler is like a cave-- cold, dim, and filled with unidentifiable slimy things.
2)  Granite counter tops.  Polished granite reminds me of tombstones.  Memorials to the dearly departed are another thing best left out of the kitchen.  I've read that sometimes homeowners have to reinforce their basements to hold up said counter tops.  Please.  If you actually cook you know that granite is not an ideal surface to work on.  If I had to choose some sort of rediculously heavy stone I would choose marble,  at least you can roll a pastry on it.  I remember the first time I set down a wine glass onto a granite counter top, I thought it was going to shatter in my hands.
3) Many, many cupboards.  To hold what?  Tupperware with lost lids?   Enough preserved foods for a bomb shelter?  I was at a brunch where the hostess was giving us the tour of her new house.  There were half a dozen cans of Pam non-stick spray in her pantry.  I'm sure Home Depot and the like would love for everyone to think they need floor to ceiling cupboards so the can sell the designed kitchen packages.  Now here is a case where the home cook could use a cue from commercial kitchens.  Buy only a few high quality utensils.  Buy fresh foods and store them in your (non-stainless steel) refrigerator.

May these things go the way of avocado and harvest gold appliances.

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